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NoCo Hemp Expo 11 - Estes Park

Paper for the Planet

Founded in 2013,  TreeFreeHemp has become a global leader in the hemp-printing services market.

We offer a variety of custom products all with one thing in common, Hemp! We have 100% sustainable, hemp-blended, post-consumer recycled paper products to meet your business and personal needs.

We hope to add additional hemp blends along with 100% hemp paper options, soon!  Please check back regularly for more details.

Our focus is centered around the use of industrial hemp and our team and partners understand how to make hemp paper and print on hemp paper. Our team at TreeFreeHemp looks forward to working with you on your next project.

Tree Free Hemp Products

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About Industrial Hemp

Hemp has been grown throughout the world for more than 10,000 years and is the most versatile crop on the planet. In fact, Benjamin Franklin started one of America’s first paper mills using cannabis. This allowed the U.S.A. to have a free press without the dependency of sourcing books and paper from England.

Until 1883, 90% of all paper in the world was made with hemp fiber. This included paper money, books, news print, maps, stocks, bonds and books. The first draft of the Declaration of Independence was written on Dutch hemp paper and the second draft was completed on July 2, 1776.

Hemp Fieldd

We’ve learned over the years that hemp paper lasts up to 100 times longer than most other papers, grows much faster than trees and is stronger and more flexible than paper made from wood pulp.

With the ability to produce thousands of different products across many industries, hemp can be grown in a variety of climates and is an excellent source for food, textiles, paper, fuel, building materials, plastics, health and nutritional products and much more.

100% Sustainable TreeFreeHemp Blended Paper
Our paper is made with 25% hemp, 75% post consumer recycled materials
Acid free, Chlorine free
Archive Quality | Made in the USA

Standard order turnaround time 10-12 business days.